When lizstaley isn't crafting (which she's been doing since she was a baby) she can be found watching anime, playing DnD and other role-playing games and playing around on her computer. Ahhh, computer geeks ~ I have a real soft-spot for them. My first two major crushes in high school were on computer nerds... and I'm still with one of them today! :) In Liz's shop, you can find a wide range of geekery, including crocheted items and buttons. She also paints and draws and is just getting into ACEOs, but you won't find any in her shop at this time.
One of my favourite buttons is the one above. Famous last words... hehe. This "watch this" one of a kind button is made from a page cut out of an old copy of Shonen Jump ~ so you won't see anyone else with such a unique find! I just love how authentic it is!!

Another awesome button is this one: a perfect gift (I love using buttons as bows) for any Star Wars enthusiast (just make sure they don't idolize Luke Skywalker though, haha). The recognizable lettering and hilarious choice of words make this a real keeper!

Speaking of geek-chic, check out this fabulous wallet. Made from the circuit sheet inside of a keyboard, this wallet is sure to be a hit with anyone on your Christmas list (or great to add to yours)! Held together with duct tape, this usable and recycled wallet is sure to impress your green friends too. Too cool!
You'll be able to find lizstaley on Flickr and DeviantArt, and be sure to check out her blog as well. This talented artist has also been working on a story, so be sure to check that out too!
Her shop is great. Love it.s
Thanks so much for the awesome feature! Glad you liked my shop. :)
(And yes, Luke is a Putz!)
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