The theme for week 3 was "shades of grey" and with the weather like it's been, I knew I wanted to take a picture outside. The streets are grey & white with salt & dirty slush. Unfortunately, with the week I've had, I didn't get a chance to take the photo until today (a day late for the Project). Oops!
But I'm not going to beat myself up about it. The important thing is I took a photo & actually thought about what I wanted to capture.
Here it is (no editing on this one):

It was Pat's idea to include the dirty car. I like the little bits of colour showing through the mess.
I also snapped a photo of this drain, but rejected it:

It doesn't have the same meaning as the photo I chose. Our first winter with our car - parked on the street because we have no parking spot - full of dirt & salt from our trip home at Christmas. Memories - that's what this project is all about!
This week's theme is "soothing repetition" ... hmmm. Another one that requires some thought.