Just like that, it's the last day of September. Summer is officially over: the cool weather has set in, the leaves are starting to turn & darkness arrives much earlier in the evenings. The big bowl of apples on my table scents the air & I'm drawn to the kitchen to cook & bake all the hot comfort foods I haven't enjoyed in months.

This September has been particularly eventful for me. This month marks the end of an era & the beginning of a new one. The end of my school years & the beginning of adulthood. It's both exciting & terrifying! It will take some time to adjust - in my mind, I still feel like a student.
But I'm not. Not anymore. So as my responsibilities shift with my new role in life, I wanted to record the events of this month so that I might remember my last month as a student:
- I spent over a week alone while Pat was up North painting the car & saving my dad & brother from a sinking boat. It sucked. But I studied.
- I successfully defended my thesis. We celebrated with Mandarin. Yum!
- I successfully submitted my thesis & all the supporting forms.
- I signed up for convocation in November.
- I passed on my TA duties to a new TA. Reluctantly. I'm really going to miss teaching the new BioPharm students.
- I applied for a job at Cornerstone last Friday, as per Denis' referral (one of the partners at Cornerstone is a BioPharm graduate & contacts Denis regularly for recent grads to hire).
- I got called Monday for an interview at Cornerstone.
- I went for my interview at Cornerstone yesterday. It went really well. I felt really comfortable with all the questions. Now I just have to wait a week to hear if I go back for a second interview & writing test.
- We went apple picking at Puddincombe Farms & Winery. We tried some wine while there & picked up a delicious apple wine & an award-winning vidal ice wine.
- I acquired a taste for wine! Riesling is my favourite so far, whereas Pat has been all about the Chianti. Now I feel so much more convincing when pretending to be sophisticated!
- We went to London to watch football with our friends, Manny & Sara, & their adorable daughter, Semiah. I tried & failed to ignore my baby fever. Lucky Pat!
- I tried on an engagement ring (this one) I've been eyeing for a while now. It fit absolutely perfectly & looked amazing. Now if only someone could hire me so that we can start paying off some bills!
- Pat ordered 2 things from Amazon (using points he earned at work) & both went missing. The amp was delivered by UPS to our building & was signed for ... but not by us. The Resistance 3 pack was somehow not scanned properly by Canada Post & was sent back to Amazon. *sigh* At least Amazon was good about reshipping & the last box came in today.
See? Pretty eventful if you ask me! Now here's hoping October brings a job offer & a bit of down time!