Friday, March 2, 2012

My Yoga Challenge

Today marks the third & final week of my yoga challenge (beginner version). This week was a little harder than last week - not so much the sequences as my lack of motivation. I don't know where it went, but it was difficult to get on my mat these last few days. Still, I haven't missed a day & I'm really proud of that. I know week 3 will bring renewed energy & impetus.

I'm really happy with my progress. My flexibility & strength have improved significantly & I find I'm getting more confident practicing the postures. Honestly, the results are the one thing that will keep me going, so I'm really glad I'm seeing them early on.

This week, my goal is to focus on improving my diet. Exercise alone won't do much if I continue to eat as badly as I do. I've been keeping a food journal, but I haven't really been paying attention to how I fuel my body. I want to significantly cut back on refined sugars (especially the Dr. Pepper) & ingest more fruits & vegetables daily. I know a few small changes will make a huge impact.

All in all, I'm looking forward to completing the 21-day beginner challenge & leaping into the intermediate sequences. I'll let you know how it goes!


Angie said...

Nice to see that it's going really well for you :) Keep it up!!

Susanne said...

congratulations and good luck with the last steps! :)

I am not much a yoga fan but when its combined with other types of excercises, it can be fun :)