So... what to write about today? Hmmmmm...
Want to know more about this muscle bath experiment that I was doing today? No? Well too bad, that's all that's filling the space in my head right now.

This picture explains it a bit better. You can see the inside of the chamber (3mL) is a light gray, and it opens to the bottom left (where there's a valve). The bath walls are open at the top left & bottom right (but not open to the inner chamber). What isn't shown is that the top is open to the inner chamber only. I'm not sure what's poking out the bottom in this schematic. The post on the right is a retort stand; the bath is clamped to this. A typical set-up will have 8 or more baths lined up on a bench.
The #1 points to the force transducer - this is what is going to give us a measurement for our experiment. #2 points to a muscle ring that is suspended on 2 bars tied with string to the force transducer at the top & a rod at the bottom. I don't use rings (like arteries) I use strips of trachea smooth muscle (they come from a slaughterhouse & I dissect out 1mm strips). Instead of the bars, I simply tie a string to each end of the strip - then one string is attached to a glass rod that sticks into the bath & the other string is tied to the force transducer at the top.

Here's a picture of that trace. You can see a large peak (caused by KCl), then a tiny, sharp peak (caused by me hitting the string as I add in the next treatment) and then a slow, small contraction caused by my treatment.
Actually, this contraction only happened the once. My treatment (the supernatant of my adipocyte cultures - basically, anything that the fat cells produced while I grew them) doesn't do too much - but I've found that it'll cause a small relaxation if I add it while the muscle is contracted with carbachol. I've reproduced it a few times. Now I have to try a different contractile drug (to make sure it isn't specific to carbachol contractions), and then try blocking the relaxation....
So... that's all I can think to say.. any questions?
Yikes, my head is about to explode! It really is interesting. Kinda gross, but interesting!
Muscles are cool! Are you doing your thesis on this?
my thesis asks whether fat will have any effect on airway muscle - so the muscle baths assess contractility (i'm also looking at migration, proliferation & cytokine synthesis).
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