My creative space has been going through a bit of an upheaval this week. I decided I needed to organize myself a bit better; so I've been sorting through inventory & supplies & making everything more accessible. I have lots of before & in process photos, but I have yet to achieve the "after" so you'll have to wait to see more later.
Beside that & working on my cupcake tag order, I've done a bit of re-potting this week. I came home from up North with a basil plant & a succulent. I know, weird travel companions, but I just couldn't resist picking them up while I was there. Basil is my absolute favourite herb & the plants looks so cheery & smelled so good while I was at the grocery store with my mom one day.

Surprisingly, my basil has been doing very well. I've tried growing the plant before & failed miserably after only a single crop. But I think I discovered the secret to growing basil: it needs a bit of water every day.
Surprise! Ha! I'm really bad for remembering to water my plants... So I have even higher hopes for my succulent, a haworthia mirabilis mundula:

It was so cute & tiny at the store, I just had to pick it up. I was just going to transplant it into one of the many pots I have, but then I found this awesome glass jar at Walmart & just knew I had to make a terrarium.

Why yes, I have been overly influenced by Kate (of Scientific Culture) - can you tell?

While her terrariums are mossy ones, I totally stole her decorating idea: a super cute plastic dinosaur (I had one that came packaged with an online order from Snapfish... odd, no?).

Isn't he adorable? A perfect size for this pot.

I layered cactus soil on top of rocks & charcoal (from some dollar store drawing sticks I had). Then I added in rocks & sand (actually gravel for my finch, Michael) to give it a desert-y feel. I love how it all came together with things I had around the house (beside the earth, plant & jar). A few more fancy rocks completed the piece, like that shiny one by the dino & this fool's gold:

I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Here's a peek from the outside:

I've kept the lid off for now since most of the online tutorials advised so. With the lid on, it'll get too humid for my succulent to thrive. I may cover it up in the winter to help maintain a warmer climate though, we'll see how it goes.

What do you think?
Head on over to Our Creative Spaces for more inspiration!
LOl! I love my terrariums! Enjoy!!
Finch? I <3 finches, would love to see a pic sometime! :)
I love your terrarium, have always wanted one. I just bought some succulants too, for around my jade.
I have a row of basil in my garden, love growing it.
I love this idea. I will have to make one with my son, he loves rocks especially, thanks.
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