Sunday, March 13, 2011

Project 52

The theme for week 10 of Project 52 was childhood toys. I had no problems coming up with an idea for this week but I had to find the time! Of course, when I did have the time, the lighting wasn't the best... I finally just made do on Friday.

My first idea was to use my original Cabbage Patch Kid. I've had Garvey for as long as I can remember - he's been through a lot! Including a nasty case of the chicken pox he caught from my brother & I... it still hasn't gone away! I did try to clean him with a magic eraser before his photoshoot, but alas. Spotted he remains.

So my original idea had Garvey lying on the couch, looking forgotten, his arm hanging down the side. Sort of like this:
It just didn't turn out exactly how I pictured. I wanted it to have more of a discarded old toy feel... but it wasn't working with the setting. It looks too posed to me. I just realized now that I should have tried sitting him next to the brick wall outside... but instead another idea popped into my head:

What if I put him in a box with some other old toys & my first diary?
This wasn't much of a stretch - this is actually the box I store Garvey & these other old toys in. I named this photo "Box of Memories" because that's exactly what it is.
But even after taking a number of photos, I still wasn't completely happy with it. The dreamy feeling that should come with a box of memories wasn't conveyed through this photo.

Luckily, while I was photographing Garvey on the couch, I took some photos of him just sitting against the pillow (here's one of him in his original diaper). Nothing fancy, I just wanted to record a piece of my childhood. But this photo is it, my submission for week 10:
The lighting is wonderful & the focus is just right. He looks cuddly & well loved, waiting for a hug. I love that an impromptu & unplanned shot actually turned out to be the one I liked best this week.

The theme for week 11 is darks & lights. Of course the only thing I can think of is laundry right now (I even took a photo of my piles of sorted dirty clothes) - but I'm sure I can come up with something else during the week!

1 comment:

flailing DORIS said...

I love your final shot - he really looks like all he wants is a hug! Very sweet, and I like the lighting. The box idea was really good and came out well though too.