It's been a while since I posted about my Project 52 but I haven't been slacking! I've been staying on top of it... I just haven't been spending as much thought on it as I'd originally hoped. A couple of these were just last minute shots to meet the deadline... but still, here they are:

week 7: open your heart
This one I planned, but then took in haste before heading home for the long weekend. It didn't quite turn out how I'd pictured...

week 8: the view from here
Another last minute photo. Another shot from my balcony. How original (I take photos off my balcony at least once a month or so).

week 9: express yourself
As soon as I heard the theme for this week, I knew I wanted to try to photograph movement. Specifically, the movement of hands while someone is talking. I took about 5 photos before the my camera battery needed recharging, but I thought this shot wasn't too bad. I like it with an almost-sepia-almost-black-and-white tone.
Next week's theme is childhood toys - I already have an idea for this one. I'm going to try really hard not to wait until Saturday to take it!
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