Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Shots on the Water

Are you tired of boating yet? I hope not, there are still plenty pictures to show you!
Here are a few of the sun - I had fun playing around with my camera settings to get these just right. I love the textures in the shot above & the double sunburst below.
The wildlife was everywhere we looked - I just wasn't quick enough with the camera to capture it all.
This great blue heron was kind enough to pose for us as we crept up the river (oh! I just noticed the pale tree on the right - it looks like a person with their arms raised!).
Can you see the small disturbances in the water, circular waves right beside the beaver house? That was a beaver I saw on the bank of the river, slipping into the water before I could lift my camera.

More photos can be found on my Flickr photostream!

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