Friday, July 28, 2017

6 Months Old

Marc celebrated his half birthday this week. I just scrolled through my "baby" album on Flickr, from bump photos to monthly photos... it's pretty crazy to think about this time last year. We were just back from our trip out East; I was celebrating my pregnancy and feeling great. Now, in the blink of an eye, Marc is 6 months old and getting bigger and stronger every single day.
This month Marc figured out how to sit on his own (he can't get into the sitting position, but once he's there he can balance for quite some time). He also learned how to crawl - not on all fours, but on his belly, dragging/pushing himself forward with his arms and legs. It's pretty cute seeing him spot a toy he wants and then cruising across the room to get it. Of course, it also means we need to finish up our baby-proofing. So far we have our gates up and I've tucked away some cables, but we still need to figure out what we're going to do with the tv stand and a few other breakable/dangerous things.
Marc's eating solids twice a day. He usually eats about 2-3 tbsp of cereal (rice, oatmeal or barley - sometimes mixed with a fruit/veggie puree) plus 1-2 tbsp of fruit/veggie puree (apple, banana, pear, avocado or sweet potato) at each of these feeds. I'm having so much fun preparing his food; I currently have frozen portions of sweet potato, pear and apple purees in the freezer. Next we're going to try peas!
At his 6 month appointment, Marc weighed 16lbs 12oz. He barely cried after his one vaccine - he's a tough little guy. I'm looking forward to spending the next 6 months at home with him (and so not looking forward to sending him off to daycare in the new year)!

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