Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kitchen Preparations

For the last three weeks, I've been spending a good part of my Mondays in the kitchen, doing a bit of prep work for the week. I find if I do this, we're:
  • more likely to eat well
  • less likely to throw out limp veggies at the end of the week
  • more likely to actually make something for dinner instead of ordering in
Which is really ideal since I'm trying to lead a healthier lifestyle than the student one we've been living.

My favourite part is the veggie prep.

As my mom always does, I've been cutting my celery & carrots into matchsticks & keeping them in water in the fridge. This way, I always have a healthy snack close at hand.

Keeping them in water keeps them fresh for well over a week - if they last that long. Plus, preparing dinner when everything is already cleaned & half chopped is super easy.
Here you can see I have some kohlrabi floating under the celery:

Kohlrabi is a veggie I've recently started eating more. They look odd when you buy them, but after peeling they have a very fresh, spicy taste. Almost like a radish, but a little milder in flavour. I love it raw in my salads!

But really, my favourite part?
Throwing all these peels & odds & ends into a big pot of boiling water: We had prime rib roast on Sunday, so the leftover meat, bones & fat went in here as well, along with the roasted onion & potato leftovers. Now I have a couple liters of broth to use during the next few weeks!

What do you do to simplify your time in the kitchen?


Danielle said...

Preparing the veggies ahead of time is such a good idea. I throw out a lot of fresh food because it's not convenient for cooking or snacking.

Unknown said...

We are going to be gardening like crazy this year and I didn't even think of prepping everything ahead of time! Great idea... AND maybe I will eat healthier too!

Mrs Linee said...

Amanda my big purchase this year was a Freezer that we have put in our garage.. I have taken the opportunity when cooking to always make extra and freeze portions so that on those cant be bothered let's order takeaway night's I have no excuse. I have been making my own cordail and have been given an abundanceo f lemons so I have also frozen enough in portions to make 2 bottles at a time no waste. Cook up days are a good idea, I try and do this as often as I can... Great post thanks ☺