It's Mosaic Monday! I hope you'll join us - it's really easy! Just make a mosaic - you can use whatever photo editing software you like, or a website such as the mosaic maker & photos from Flickr - & then post it on your blog. Go ahead & pick a theme if you want, but don't feel like you have to. Have fun with it!
Then make sure to come back here & add a link to your blog post so that others can see your awesome mosaic!

Then make sure to come back here & add a link to your blog post so that others can see your awesome mosaic!
Here's mine for this week: KitchenAid Mixer. Mine was delivered for the first time on Thursday - just a couple days after it shipped! Of course I wasn't there to receive it... nor was I there on Friday for the second attempt. Not to mention Pat has to sign for it.. So we're going to pick it up early this morning - I can't wait!

1. 308:365, 2. KitchenAid Mixer, 3. Use the awesome KitchenAid Mixer to mix pumpkin mixture, 4. kitchenaid mixer
Here's the list of mosaics this week. Once you've blogged, click the button below to add your blog post link.
OH, you will love it!
Good morning!!
Happy Monday!
Here's my current giveaway $30 gift certificate from a Supply shop.
I hope you'll enter!
LOL!! Enjoy!!
niki love my KitchenAid
great mosaic
really meant amanda (uli)
He He [ who is excited ☺
And I missed linking my Mosaic due to Internet being down... Oh well at least I enjoyed creating ☺ Next week..
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