All I've worked on this week - craft-wise anyway - is this stack of soon-to-be mini notebooks:

I was a bit creative this morning though. I came across a great quote by Aristotle while trolling through my blog roll. So inspiring, I wrote it down in this notebook right away:

There are so many great prints out there using inspirational quotes, I thought it would be nice to make my own with colourful markers. So I pulled out my notepad of quotes to make a few more:

I've had this book for close to 10 years I think. A gift from my mom, it was too pretty for me to just fill with scraps & to-do lists. So I started recording some of my favourite sayings as I came across them. There are a ton, but some of them are better than others. These I've chosen to write out in this larger notebook:

I really love how they look, in bright, bold colours. Makes them a bit more fun to read and makes for a pretty inspiring sketchbook to flip through.
Most of the quotes are inspiring:

But some are just funny:

Some are excerpts from my favourite books & authors:

Some are lyrics from my favourite songs:

Some authors like to open with a quote or poem that relates to the story & these are almost always worthy of being recorded. I especially like it when 2 unrelated quotes are joined into a message:

The original notepad also contains quite a few longer excerpts & poems that I like but couldn't fit in marker form. I always have my eye out for more!
I love quotes! Do you? What's your favourite one?
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