Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Sketchbook Project (Part 3)

And now the last part of my sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project, pages 56 to 80:

Obviously there are 3 unfinished spreads at this point - but one is filled in now & the other two are planned. The green page & the purple page are still unfinished as well. Not bad, I'm pretty happy with it. Pretty typical in terms of my sketchbooks: a little bit of everything. I'll finish tonight & have it in the mail tomorrow.

In this bunch, I really like the polka-dot spread & the newest spread I just finished (still blank in the photos above). Which spread do you like best?


Angie said...

I think I like the Polka Dot spread too ;)...Thank you for using my tree and corn field!! I get to be a part of that project even though school didn't allow me the extra time :D...I can't wait to see the last three pages!

sheara121 said...

the colorful flower is gorgeous! love it!