Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Five

Here's what I was up to this week:
  1. On Tuesday, I half witnessed a traffic accident. I was just about to walk into the hospital (where I work) when I heard a huge BAM! There at the nearest intersection, right in front of me, a car was sitting too far into the intersection when another vehicle turned. Thankfully, there were no injuries, only some busted fenders (plus some yelling between the drivers).
  2. A lovely lady asked me to make her & her sister matching bracelets from some sentimental beads. I was honoured to be chosen for this task & I'm pleased with the results:
  3. Wednesday I TAed the last lab of the semester. We went out to dinner with the students afterwards & they all surprised us (the TAs & Eva, the program director) with a gift of wine! I'm going to miss TAing every week...
  4. I ran a muscle bath experiment Tuesday & tried to reproduce some results our instructor talked about in class last week. And I did! The neatest part was that I wasn't looking at the same system as him, but obtain similar results (he was looking at the effect of fat surrounding the arteries whereas I was looking at fat surrounding the airways)!
  5. I added a few Valentine's Day items to my shops. I particularly love these earrings:

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