Well. The other day I came across this set in the vintage shop MomWaldsPlace. It was such a good price that I just couldn't resist.

That's when I entered the shop SparklePower ... this shop was my undoing. Not only was there a large serving bowl listed but there was also a set of creamer, sugar dish and tea pot. OH NO WAY!!! These pieces are fairly rare, especially as a set......... I had to.
Aren't they adorable? And this teapot! I mean, I already have a perfectly fine teapot (with a really cute cozy), but this one is part of my collection! I really like it's funky shape.
Of course, I may as well add in the serving bowl while I'm at it! I mean, I was already getting a large box shipped, what's another little piece.
Oh boy - and I just snatched up this little pitcher from mamak - I've never seen anything like it!
I'm thrilled with my purchases - I really can't wait to get them! I hope they're handled carefully by the postal workers and arrive in one piece though. Now, over the next couple of weeks, I'll have to go through my cupboards and make some room!

Awesome finds! The pattern is adorable!! Gosh, that teapot is just about perfection, isn't it? Hooray for you. :D
omg you got some awesome finds! Those sets are so so so cute! I love the little blue details... You got an awesome eye. =D
those are so cute! I saw something similar at a garage sale in Verner this past weekend - but they were red and orange. not sure if it was the same thing, but looks similar at least.
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