Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sketchbook Pages: White on White

Happy October!

I know everyone is saying it, but I need to express my disbelief as well - it's already October???!? What happened to September? Did I miss something?

Apparently, I did miss something - I blogged a grand total of four times in September... and half of those were this week. Yikes. But maybe I needed the break? It's been busy around here and I just can't seem to keep up with all the things I want to do. When I get home at night, I rarely get to do more than make supper, watch Jeopardy and catch up on the blogs I follow. I still don't feel like I've gotten into a groove, a good routine and there's no excuse. I've been working 9-5 for over three months...

But enough of that. I took a couple days off this week to relax and catch up on some sleep and creative endeavours. Including blogging (if that weren't already obvious). I have lots of posts in mind, so let's start by going back to August and taking a look at a page in my altered Amber book.

One weekend at the beginning of August, I decided to experiment a bit with white on white. One of the sketchbook pages I worked on I've already shown - here's the other.
As with most of the pages in this old book, I'm pretty sure I started with a coat of gesso: the first layer of white. Then I collaged a bunch of torn white and off-white papers. Finally, I added some texture with stencils, fiber paste and modeling paste. I love being able to feel a page - it adds a whole other dimension to it.

Now I'm not positive what I did next. I'm pretty sure all I did was add a bit of colour and dimension with white and metallic green Gelatos. There's just a hint of turquoise and sparkle to the finished page. Then I added a bit more visual texture with an ivory Faber Castell marker and a gold Sharpie. Finally, I finished the whole thing with a few word stickers.
The result is one of my favourite pages of all time. At least in this book. LOVE it - definitely right between wonderful and fantastic!

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