Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Christmas Baking

And let the Christmas baking begin!

I'm actually not that much of a baker - the odd crisp or muffins now and again - but Christmas cookies? I tend to go a little crazy. I simply love having a wide assortment of cookies at Christmastime! I have quite a few tried and true favourites and always add in at least one new recipe each year.

I'm also typically not one to prepare in advance (procrastination should be my middle name!) but I had some ripening, almost-mushy, fuyu persimmons in the fridge that I needed to use up this weekend or throw out this week. Remembering some awesome cookies I made a few years ago, I found the recipe (this one) and adapted it to what I had on hand. No walnuts or raisins + an extra half cup of persimmon pulp = oats + a handful of flax seeds for crunch. I didn't blend my persimmons, opting to mash them instead for a bit more texture. I also added in a bit more spices: I didn't have any ground cloves, but I did add some ginger, mace and allspice along with the cinnamon and nutmeg.
I love these subtly spiced cookies - they are incredibly moist (mega-moist, even, as my dad and brothers would say with a snicker). I think this is a recipe that will be added to the "must make every year" list... especially since I can't resist buying those gorgeous golden fruit (and inevitably forget to add them to a salad like I keep meaning to!).

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