Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sketchbook Pages: Colourful Instincts

Yesterday was all about white - today's page is all about colour.
As with most of my altered book pages, I started with a layer of gesso and then went for a collage. I chose a few papers with a specific idea in mind... of course, things veered off on a totally different path when I added some yellow and blue tissue paper and then layers (and layers) of bright washi tape, pulling colours from the original "letters and symbols" paper I used:

While working on this page, I didn't particularly feel like breaking out my paint, so I used Gelatos instead to add that juicy pop of colour. I think I set the book aside for a bit before deciding to add even more colour with Gelatos sprays and stencils.
Finally I finished it all off with some words. I went with a message that really spoke to me as I was creating these pages - even though you might think you know where you want to go with a certain piece, sometimes, your instincts know better. Just have fun with it!

I wrote the message out with a white Sharpie but then went over it with a couple coats of gesso to really make the words stand off the background.
This spread is so bright and fun, I can't help but smile when I look at it.

Make something colourful today!  

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