I've been meaning to write a more in-depth post comparing my gelatos and neocolors II, but I just haven't had much time, what with preparing for our trip and all. But I thought I would show you real quick what I've been up to while playing with these two great products.
Here I was directly comparing the neocolors (on the left) with the gelatos (on the right) in similar colours. I started with a spread covered in gesso and a few paint spots (where the colour palette came from) - you can see it at the very end of the post linked here. I drew circles with both products - the neocolours act like wax crayons whereas the gelatos are more creamy, like lipstick. When I wet the circles, I found that the neocolours held their shape a bit better:
Whereas the gelatos spread into spots of juicy colour. You can't beat the shine of the metallic gelatos either:
Once the pages were completely dry, I collaged on top. I found that the modge podge lifted a little pigment from both products, but I think that's because they're sitting on gesso instead of a more absorbent ground (as I've experienced with the gelatos on uncoated paper).
The gelatos are also fun because you can make sprays out of them. I combined two different colours for each of my sprays - light blue and lime for a nice aqua / teal colour and metallic silver with black for a shiny dark pewter. To make the sprays, you merely have to work the gelatos into the water until they dissolve completely. The teal spray turned out perfect, if a bit light in colour. I would have to add more gelato to get a darker pigment:
I like the pale washed-out look with this colour though. You can also see on this page that the gelatos drip beautifully.
I could have blended the black/silver spray more because it turned out a bit grainy:
This is what you get when you press down the leftovers sitting on top of a stencil. I actually really like how it looks with all the black spots - just another layer of texture if you ask me.
Anyway, lots more to talk about with these two products, but I'll leave it there for now. I'm definitely loving them though and will certainly be turning to them often!
More Creative Spaces.

The gelatos are also fun because you can make sprays out of them. I combined two different colours for each of my sprays - light blue and lime for a nice aqua / teal colour and metallic silver with black for a shiny dark pewter. To make the sprays, you merely have to work the gelatos into the water until they dissolve completely. The teal spray turned out perfect, if a bit light in colour. I would have to add more gelato to get a darker pigment:

I could have blended the black/silver spray more because it turned out a bit grainy:

Anyway, lots more to talk about with these two products, but I'll leave it there for now. I'm definitely loving them though and will certainly be turning to them often!
More Creative Spaces.
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