At our appointment last week, we were told that our hospital's policy is to induce at 41 weeks - so baby got his eviction notice! We will be having him with two weeks, whether he wants to come on his own or not!
To be honest, I'm not exactly thrilled at the thought of being induced. My plan right now is to go natural (no drugs), but to play it by ear depending on how things go (obviously). But when you're induced, contractions tend to be much stronger and painful, so I'm not sure I'll be able to cope. Not to mention, our little man has been measuring a week behind the entire pregnancy, but they don't take that into account (so at 41 weeks, he technically won't be a week overdue yet). So needless to say, I've been reading up on safe, natural ways to get things going.. hopefully he decides to come on his own in the next week!
Otherwise, things have been very good. At our ultrasound on January 2nd, he was measuring around 6lbs 6oz (in the 50th percentile), so he'll likely be around 7lbs at birth. A perfect size (I really want him to fit into all his cute newborn-sized clothing!). I was also a centimeter dilated, so things are definitely underway.
Anyway, here's my bump from yesterday - no real change from last week I don't think:
Everything is ready - now it's just a waiting game... As much as I will miss my belly and being pregnant, I really, really just want him to get here already!
To be honest, I'm not exactly thrilled at the thought of being induced. My plan right now is to go natural (no drugs), but to play it by ear depending on how things go (obviously). But when you're induced, contractions tend to be much stronger and painful, so I'm not sure I'll be able to cope. Not to mention, our little man has been measuring a week behind the entire pregnancy, but they don't take that into account (so at 41 weeks, he technically won't be a week overdue yet). So needless to say, I've been reading up on safe, natural ways to get things going.. hopefully he decides to come on his own in the next week!
Otherwise, things have been very good. At our ultrasound on January 2nd, he was measuring around 6lbs 6oz (in the 50th percentile), so he'll likely be around 7lbs at birth. A perfect size (I really want him to fit into all his cute newborn-sized clothing!). I was also a centimeter dilated, so things are definitely underway.
Anyway, here's my bump from yesterday - no real change from last week I don't think:

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