This word came to me almost immediately when I first started thinking about what my word for 2014 should be. I hummed and hawed over it for weeks though, unsure about the negative connotations often associated with the word. "Settling" for something or someone is often thought of in a bad way - if only one put more effort or initiative or something into "it", then "it" could be so much better.
But settle means so much more than that, so many positive things! And no matter how long I spent on thesaurus.com, I just couldn't find a better synonym for the feeling I was going for.
This year is about settling for me - in all the best possible ways: settle in, settle down debt, settle into a healthy routine, settle down, settle. Basically, settle into being an adult (instead of the kid-pretending-to-be-an-adult, as I often feel). Time to grow up (again, in the best possible way)!
What's your word of the year?
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