Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our Last Visitor

Pat and I spent Friday night and most of Saturday finishing up in Hamilton. It took much longer than expected - we cleaned and scrubbed and threw out a lot of garbage and brought home another two car-loads. Our walk-through / hand-in-the-keys was at 1PM and luckily the rental agent checked off everything as okay even though we weren't quite done. But finally, at 4PM, we finished everything we were going to finish.

Just before that though, we had out last visitor in Hamilton.
Pat uncovered this cute little bat while clearing the balcony. When he called me outside, I thought the little guy was dead at first - his back looks a little flattened. Pat assured me he wasn't, and sure enough, he shifted a bit and seemed to feel how suddenly exposed he was. Poor little guy started shivering and couldn't seem to get warm. I wanted to leave him a box or something for shelter, but we really had to clear away everything.
When I went out later, just before we left, he was on the move. I can't help but giggle at this blurry photo of him scrambling for the corner.
Even in the corner, he was awfully exposed.. I hope he's alright.

Good bye Hamilton. We will be back (we still have storage to empty!).

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