Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pregnancy: Week 34+3

We are officially less than 40 days away from our due date! I forgot to take photos the last few weeks, so we did today - in the nursery. So consider this a sneak peek. We're almost done! Pat has a shelf and wall lamp to hang and we still need to find curtains, but otherwise everything is ready. I am SO excited!

Anyway, here's my bump 3 weeks ago:

And here we are today:
Things are definitely starting to bulge out! It's more noticeable when my pants aren't holding things in, but my belly is definitely bigger. I still get told regularly that I'm small for 8.5 months though - but that's ok. My hips and back are uncomfortable enough as it is; I can't imagine how sore I'd be if I had to carry around more bulk for the last few months!

Here's hoping the next 6 weeks fly by! I'm sure they will - I have 1.5 weeks of work, 1.5 weeks of Christmas vacation, 4 days of work and then I am off until the time comes! SO excited!

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